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Monday, 25 May 2020

U/E: All COVID-19 victims at Bolgatanga Regional Hospital discharged

The Bolgatanga Regional Hospital has successfully treated and discharged all persons with COVID-19 at its treatment centre, the Upper East Regional Director of Health Services, Dr. Winfred Ofosu has disclosed.

The region recorded 26 positive COVID-19 cases between April and May 2020.

Speaking to Citi News, Dr. Ofosu indicated that 20 out of the 26 COVID-19 patients who were quarantined for treatment at the hospital have successfully recovered and been discharged.

Meanwhile, four of the patients are under self-quarantine awaiting their second tests by close of the week and should the results turn negative, they would be declared, fully recovered.

However, two of the patients passed on before their test results came out as positive.

Dr. Ofosu bemoaned the spate of stigmatization against recovered COVID-19 persons and admonished the public to celebrate them.

“Stigmatization against persons with COVID-19 and recovered persons has been a challenge. There are many people particularly in the communities who do not want to associate with these people who have recovered and shun them and even their businesses. But we continue to tell everybody that these people do no longer have the virus to transmit to other persons. So they are not people we should shun or run away from. They are people we should celebrate as having successfully recovered from this dreadful disease,” he noted.

“So, if we don’t empathize and celebrate with them for their successful recovery, it means that others within the population looking at what is happening to people who get confirmed as COVID-19 cases and treated who have symptoms that are consistent with COVID-19 will not show up. They will remain within the community and go out to all other places that we all go to and spread the virus to all of us,” Dr. Ofosu added.

Of the 26 COVID-19 cases in the region, the Ghana Health Service recorded 11 cases and the Police Service recorded seven.


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