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Monday, 27 April 2020

Positive Effects of The Coronavirus, Economist View

Is time for us Ghanaians to rethink of our nation and politicians.

Our Economy is not strong, high unemployment rate, low standard of living, high poverty rate, poor balanced diet food (protein, cereal, fruit and vegetables makes the Square of a meal). All these are the challenges the economy is facing and to improve this the Education sector, Health sector and the Security sector needs to be improved but my country Ghana always make bad politics out of these.

Our politicians do not think about our nation but about their pockets. If they are in opposition, they have great ideas to develop the country but when power is given,  these ideas becomes mirage.

Our education is weak, health is weak, security is weak but politicians and our Members of parliament were thinking of New Chamber, bullet proof jackets, National cathedral, and so on, which have little or no effect on the economy because if the citizens are uneducated and unwise, these will not last.

A budget is a country's planned expenditure and revenue. 2020 budget has been drawn and planned, where is the government now going to get the money to build the new hospital talked about. 

This is not time to do politics but time to rethink about our nation. The economy is shrinking and government is losing a lot of revenue because businesses are on locked down, which is impacting negatively on the economy.

If government is planning on going for more loans, then we the citizens should be ready to pay more taxes after the taxes without complain, which will affect our standard of living, health, education, and basic needs.

We are not in normal times and Ghana, is almost in recession.

Watch out for the full details of Rethink our Economy is out of control, the future is dying, the new generation is in big trouble because our thinking is out of control.

#Be yourself# Ghana need us, let make it a better place to stay.

By. Mr. Aligah Seyram Emmanuel
Economics Tutor at Tanyigbe Senior High School
Tel: 54 622 5631

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